The Purge! Capsule Wardrobe Update #2
Hey Guys, it's been a while since the last time I posted about my capsule wardrobe and actually quite a lot has happened!! Let me fill ya in.I purged my closet.... and it was AMAZING!! I am a person that easily feels overwhelmed by clutter, so having so much more space in my closet has been kind of fantastic. And, honestly, I had so many clothes in there that didn't even come close to fitting or were just so far from my style (like from high school, freaking high school you guys) that made it really hard to find the clothing that actually fit!The picture below shows my king size bed absolutely covered in clothes. Not pictured is a chair full of maternity clothes and my naked daughters trying everything on in the thrift pile 😂. Haha it was out of control! I spent an entire rainy afternoon sorting through this big pile of clothes and listening to Oldies (as one does). I was quickly reminded that as much as I hate clutter, I hate waste! And I really love re-porpusing old things. I toyed with a few ideas, but in the end I decided that there was just too much stuff for me to keep around the house. (And the last thing I need right now is another project lol.) So I sold a few things, and the rest I will be sending to my sisters and the thrift store. I also put away all my winter and hot summer clothes. This left me with just under 50 items including pants, shirts, tanks, sweaters and dresses. And so far it has been great! While I don't totally love a lot of these clothes, I have committed to sticking with them for the spring season so that I can make sure that this capsule wardrobe is really something I want to follow through on, and to sort of figure out what pieces I need to make this a fully functioning wardrobe that I adore.I have to admit, this process has already shown me that less can really, truly be more. And it has been surprisingly fun! I have actually cleaned out the girls and the entryway closets out as well! (up next linens!). Wowzer, look at me being all domestic!!! Hahaha, but I think what truly is the most surprising part of this exercise so far is that I have actually been wearing more variety! Who would have thought! I have also been doing more research on responsibly made clothing and have come across some of the most wonderful small (and big) businesses in the process. I ended up ordering from a lovely woman in California, who hand makes the most wonderful linen dresses to order. She recently did a collaboration with a fantastic YYC educator and I just couldn't resist the sale! I actually had been eyeing her beautiful dresses before I even started my capsule wardrobe (WIN!). I also ordered a bathing suit from a rad company I have been following on Instagram for quite some time. Thankfully my patience paid off and I managed to get it on sale as well! (High-five!) I just LOVE that I can totally get behind these brands and actually feel like I know the women running them. I have come across some other really promising shops but will wait to share them until I feel confident that they are awesome.So now it's your turn! What do you think of this whole capsule wardrobe thing? Do you know of any great responsible brands? Have you ever considered where your clothes come from before? Is there anything else you would like to know?Once again, thanks so much for listening to me ramble on about something completely unrelated to photography. Keep being awesome!!Warmly,Karmen
Audrey's ALOHA (Moana) Birthday!
Oh my goodness, my heart is so full. Earlier this month, we celebrated our "big girl's" birthday! Our little Audrey has turned four and we are so happy that we were able to celebrate with so many of our family and friends. You guys are truly what made her day so darn special <3. And an extra special thanks goes out to my sis-in-law Alicia ( for helping make our Hawaiian party dreams come true!By now, you all probably know that I love making pretty things. So every birthday is basically an excuse to get creative! Combine that with the fact that my Sis-in-Law is a Party Planner and we. just. can't. be. stopped. Haha, seriously we just had way to much fun putting this all together.In case you are interested, I thought I would make a little list of my favourite things and where you can get them!Balloon Arch and Banners- The Small DetailsThe Ocean in a Bottle Craft! - This craft turned out so cute, and the kids really loved making them! I ordered the teensy little bottles off Amazon and the beads are a dollar store specials haha. ( If you are interested in detailed instruction on how to make them just let me know!)Confetti Balloons- The Small DetailsPin The Necklace on Moana- ETSY. This was HILAIOUS to watch. Turns our blindfolded, dizzy preschoolers are the funniest.Ocean Themed Water Sensory Table- You can pick up these non-toxic waterbeads at the dollarstore (in the craft section) and the kids go crazy for them every single time! I happened to have a bunch of plastic sea animals around the house that were a perfect addition.Cupcake Wrappers and Toppers - Ok seriously. How darn adorable were the pineapples and the little umbrellas. Alicia used her circuit wizardry to make them. SO GOOD! The Small DetailsI can't believe we have to wait until December to this again! If you have any questions just let me know.<3 Karmen
Spring Photo-Shoot Outfit Inspiration !
I am basically rejoicing over here!! It has been 10 degrees or more all week (insert happy dance)! Man, January to... whenever the snow decides to start melting is such a long haul for me. But, the snow is melting and the sun is out. Outdoor portrait season is officially upon us!So, what better time to share some fun outfit inspiration than now. Just remember there are no rules when it comes to dressing for your portrait session. You should dress like yourself and feel good!ENJOY!Karmen
Karmen's Capsule Wardrobe Update #1
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I’m gonna be honest here, I haven’t made much progress on my capsule wardrobe research because #life. I have really found my enthusiasm for this project waning a bit. I mean will it really be worth the effort? It’s just clothes right? And, I am a person who truly believes that beauty comes from the inside; so how important can it really be to put energy into my wardrobe? But despite my apprehension, I decided to hit up google to see if I could find some answers.
I immediately came across a podcast episode from The Lively Show featuring Caroline Rector from the blog Un-Fancy. Podcast are my jam (I probably listen to 100x more podcasts then I watch tv), so obviously I was stoked! I hit that play button and set to work on some much needed spring cleaning around the house.Fast forward 46 minute later, and I am feeling so inspired and totally reaffirmed in my decision to create am ethically-sourced capsule wardrobe. It's time to dress like me, to feel good about myself, to simplify my daily routine and to buy clothing that is ethically made. While it threw me off at first, I LOVED Caroline's comparison of herself with Bruce Wayne (I hope I don’t need this parenthesis but…. Batman) facing his fear of bats; "he is crouched down in this dark cave and there are bats swarming all around him, it's madness. He slowly unfolds and stands up straight, and the music swells and he takes this deep breath. And he is ok." Intense right?! I would have never in a million years come up with that mental picture on my my own, but it is perfect. I won't ever be able to completely remove myself from the swarm of messages I receive via ads, music, magazines, social media, television, movies, etc.... but I can teach myself to be strong and confident. I don't need a perfect body. I don't need t0 wear the latest trends. I don't need to buy into the thousands of ideas that are being sold to me everyday.So I am setting some intentions for myself this week.
- Recognize when external media sources are affecting how I feel about myself and dictating what I think I ‘need’.
- Unsubscribe from all the stores that send me coupons, catalogs, etc. UNLESS it is company whose values align with mine. (this girl still loves a good sale!)
- PURGE. Let’s get this party started. The plan is to take EVERYTHING out of my closet (literally everything) and sort it into 4 piles: Keep - Store - Giveaway-Seasonal. And since I am waiting to do my shopping until I have completed my dreaded book-keeping/taxes (<- look at me being all responsible / let’s be real, it ain’t gonna happen unless I have some sort of motivation because book-keeping is the actual worst), I will have to make do with what is left in that 'keep' pile for the time being.
- Read more of Caroline's blog!! And do more research.
So there ya have it. Man, WISH ME LUCK! I think I am going to need it lol. And thanks so much for following along on this (completely non-photography related) topic. It honestly feels so good to have a little company on this adventure!Warmly,KarmenPS. Do yourself a favour and listen to that podcast! Episode #36 was packed full of helpful bits of information for the newbie capsule wardrobist. Photo Credit:
Why I haven’t gone shopping for myself in 4+ years…
OK, so that’s not entirely true, I have picked up the odd item here and there but it has pretty much been out of necessity! I have honestly not just gone shopping or purchased clothing that I love AND feel amazing in (and about) since I became pregnant with my oldest, and here are a few of the reasons why:
- A changing body and breastfeeding. The past 5 years I have been reluctant to invest in much clothing because I just might not fit in it a couple weeks later. I don’t know what other ladies have experienced, but I found that it drove me crazy that none of my clothes fit for more then a week or two. And I am not just talking about pregnancy, but postpartum as well! I basically lived in dresses, cardigans and leggings during this time. And now let’s talk breast-feeding for a second, if it doesn’t unbutton, pull-down or lift up it’s a no go. I really don’t have the time or patience to change in order to feed my child. And let’s be real, I didn’t really have much time to think about this whole fashion and shopping ordeal during this little phase of my life haha!!
- I’m not a impulse buyer. I don’t see something I like and swipe my card. Much to the dismay of my shopping companions, I generally need to research and compare what I am buying. I DON’T WANT A LOT OF STUFF, I JUST WANT A FEW GREAT THINGS.
- Ethics. I feel completely overwhelmed when I walk into a mall and see thousands of things for sale, many of which were essentially made to be disposable. I can’t help but wonder who made them, where they are made and where they will end up. I often don’t even bother with ‘fancy expensive stores’ because I just am not all that fancy, and yet in the same breath how are all those fast-fashion chains selling these clothes for so cheap?! I am not saying that clothes shouldn’t be affordable (trust me I LOVE a good deal as much as anyone!) but it’s just the lack responsibility that I cannot get behind.
- I am picky. If I am spending my hard earned cash, I want to love the way it fits and feels and I want it to last!
So ya, I guess now you know. I am a super up-tight shopper, a total prude really. But my body seems to have found it’s new normal and I am no longer nursing! And I am sooooo, so ready to LOVE getting dressed in the morning. I want my wardrobe to feel like an extension of myself, rather then just something I have to put on in order to leave the house.Like with most things, I likely won’t rush into this little project and I will probably start with researching ethically and locally sourced companies. I am also debating creating a capsule wardrobe (because after 4+ years sans shopping I am basically starting from scratch anyways)!If you guys have any advice or tips or favourite shops, designers or makers I would LOVE, love, LoVe, to hear from you! I have tried to navigate into ‘slow fashion’ previously and found it incredibly difficult (and kind of depressing). But I am hopeful that after nearly 5 years away from the shopping game that there are lot’s of hidden gems to be uncovered! And I promise to share any little nuggets find you <3. EEEK, wish me luck!Warmly,KarmenP.S. Thanks so much Erinn, from, for sending this amazing dress with me to Hawaii! I had so much fun wearing and photographing it (and it is bonkers comfy) 💜. I am so stoked for you to be launching a ladies clothing line next month! YAY!!! Heck here's one more of The Skinny's 'Willa' dress, just for good measure ;)
Nora's 2nd Birthday
So I haven't blogged in a while... let's be real I am terrible at it! I have so much to share and yet somehow I never seem to find the time to do it. I would like to make it one of my New Years Resolutions but I am a bit afraid that I will fail miserably haha... Resolutions are so much more fun when they are attainable right?!Anyways! I am popping in here because my baby, ahem... toddler, just turned 2! We just love this little girl to bits and had such a blast throwing her a Tea Party for her birthday. My sister-in-law recently started up a birthday planning business (The Small Details) and did such an AWESOME job decorating... it was so beautiful and us adults loved it every bit as much as the littles!!Cannot wait to see what this next year brings for our sweet, girly, independent (stubborn), smart little girl. It really is a joy watching your children grow up. A true blessing <3.