Honest Review | Poppy Barley Eyelet Oxford a.k.a The Perfect Travel Shoe
The Poppy Barley Eyelet Oxfords! The shoes that feel like slippers. No seriously they do. I first tried these shoes on about a year ago and was immediately shocked by how comfortable they were; Sadly, I wasn’t in need of them at the time so I left them on the shelf but you better believe that I did not stop thinking about them.
The Poppy Barley Eyelet Oxfords! The shoes that feel like slippers. No seriously they do. I first tried these shoes on about a year ago and was immediately shocked by how comfortable they were; Sadly, I wasn’t in need of them at the time so I left them on the shelf but you better believe that I did not stop thinking about them.
So when I started packing for our trip to Italy and realized I was going to need to bring a single pair of shoes that basically looks good with everything and are very walkable I did not hesitate to order a pair!
And let me tell you, I put some serious miles on those babies. We walked around 14km a day exploring the streets of Florence, the beaches of Cinque Terre, and the Canals of Venice. If I’m honest, it still feels a little unreal! The only shoes I wore were these oxfords and my Birkenstocks. And you guys, I have zero regrets. They were exactly what I needed. My love for Poppy Barley shoes hath grown ever deeper.
Now that being said let’s dig into the pros and cons of this cutie little shoe!
I am cannot over state how comfortable these are from the first wear. Almost unbelievably soft leather.
No tie laces. I’m lazy about my wardrobe pieces. If it’s too much work I likely won’t wear it. Needless to say, these slip one flats have been worn relentlessly.
So versatile. These shoes have such a minimal, classic look that works with so many outfits.
Great quality, my oxfords are still in incredible shape despite constant wear, being shoved in bags, and traipsing through less than ideal terrain.
They are always available in a variety of colours! I decided on toffee because I really needed them to be able to match everything, but Poppy Barley has some seriously cool colours and prints that change throughout the year.
They are very flat. I am quite short at about 5’2” and I have to admit I sometimes missed the little bit of height I get from some of my other shoes.
The sole is super soft and fairly flat. To be fair I think this is partially why they feel like the most comfortable pair of slippers. But if you are someone like me who has really bad feet you may want to consider adding a pair of orthotics. I used a pair of inexpensive Dr. Scholl’s and it’s been perfect!
So there you have it, my new favourite traveling companion. Besides my family of course! If you have been in need of an everyday, versatile shoe this one is without a doubt an absolute winner. Me, I am 100% saving up for their brand new Victoriana Boot!! It’s the black boot of my dreams friends!
I hope this helped! If you have any questions about the shoes or Italy, get at me girl! <3
P.S. For more Honest Reviews follow me on Instagram, @karmenmeyerphotography, and check out my posts on buliding a capsule wardrobe.
As always, in the interest of full transparency, I want to let you know that Poppy Barley traded me these shoes in exchange for photos. My review however was NOT paid for. It is just honest feedback on my experience. Additionally, I don’t make any money if you buy these shoes. I just know how intimidating it is to purchase ethical clothing as it often mean more $$$ and ordering online without seeing the garment first hand. It’s truly my hope to help make that easier for you with these reviews! Thanks for hanging out and letting me do a wee bit of reminiscing today!
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Here's to trying new things!
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I'm going to do something that I've wanted to do for AGES friends. I'm going to make some of my favourite photos available as Fine Art Prints (and you didn't hear it from me, but maybe iphone cases and tapestries too!) so that all of you (my favourites) can enjoy them as well!! Seriously, who doesn't want a little piece of Hawaii or California Desert to stare at in the dead of winter?! I am feeling so, so excited about this but, if I'm totally honest, I still have a lot of details to work out lol. So stay tuned!!
In the Desert | Mojave Preserve California
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Explore Edmonton
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OK now let's hop and the car and head over to Highlands, shall we?