Travelling with Kids | Maui Family Vacation
We’ve made a lot of little mistakes while travelling with the girls. But I feel like this time we got a whole lot right! And I thought I would share a little about what has worked well for us just in case it might help you (and to remind myself for next time!)So, first and foremost, I always head into a trip with the mindset that travelling with kids is going to be an adventure. Maybe not the type where you go cliff-jumping or climb a mountain, but literally ANYTHING can happen and you are just going to have roll with the punches and laugh off all the crazy. Ohh and that time change… give it a day or two, sleep will come haha.Lol so have I sold you yet? But honestly, nothing quite compares to the trips we have taken as family, they are beyond special.This list is pretty specific to Maui but would be useful for any hot destination! So here we go! Here are some of things that have worked best for us: 1. PACKING. Pack light. If you are lucky enough to be travelling to a warm destination like we were. You honestly are not going to need a lot! Bring things you can mix and match (and don't bother bringing those jeans, you are so not going to wear them! It's 27 degrees every single day!). And when you are lugging two carseats and stroller through the airport, you really don't want to have a whole bunch of bags as well.AND if you pack light, it means you can rent that mustang convertible. Not sure if there is anything better than driving along the ocean with the top down (and the kids napping in the backseat). Not to mention all the people waiting at the airport will cheer you on as you fit those carseats and stroller in. Haha, no joke. 2. BOOK A PLACE WITH A KITCHEN AND WASHER/DRYER! I know it's a vacation. But my kids are always hungry. And you know whats less fun then making a few meals.... dragging tired kids to a restaurant three times a day. (hard-pass on that one!) And the best part is, you can save so much money and time doing it this way. When we travel to Maui, we stop at Costco right after picking up our rental car. It is super close to the airport so even though we are a bit tired from the trip its totally worth the effort. We have booked through VRBO or AirBNB and have no complaints! (I find the reviews oh so helpful)And I don't know about you guys, but my kids will take any opportunity to get filthy lol. The washer and dryer was my sanity. And as much as I hate laundry at home, I really didn't mind throwing a load in every couple days. It meant we always had fresh bathing suits and made packing light super easy! 3. THE FLIGHT. From Edmonton to Kahalui it is 7 hours and 50 minutes. That is a very long time for a 2 year old and 4 year old. If you are travelling with young ones it can get a little rough at times (like anytime the seatbelt sign is on haha). I've found packing lots of non-sugary snacks (gotta keep that sugar0-high at bay) and filling up the Ipad with books, shows and games has been the easiest and lightest way to travel with this age. We usually let them pick a toy and a coloring book to bring as well. Our girls surprise us every time we fly with how capable they are. PS. Depriving them of any TV the week or two before means they will be glued to that sucker. P.P.S. Don't forget some fruit snacks for the descent. Helps their little ears pop! Oh and we have always flown WestJet and have found the staff is so good with kids! 4. GET FASTBREAK. Seriously, just do it. We have used Budget for our rental car every time. Fastbreak is FREE (you just have to sign-up ahead of time) and means you get to skip the long line-up! After a long flight, the last thing you want do is wait an hour with all your luggage in 27 degree heat to get your rental car. Been there, done that!
. My biggest suggestion for enjoying your family vacay is to not get too carried away with planning (or worse yet, expecting things to go as planned lol). Leave lots of room to just jump in the pool or chill by the beach. We usually book only one or two things and then play the rest of the trip by ear. That way if the girls fall asleep in the stroller on a morning walk, we can just grab a beer and sit by the beach, instead of worrying about the next thing on the schedule. Or if someone is feeling the jet lag we can take the day slow, think naps and hanging our poolside. For us this slow pace, is absolutely perfect. We also often rent paddle boards and bring snorkels so that we can head into the ocean whenever possible. So easy when it's only a short walk away.
6. BABY BEACH IN LAHAINA. There are an endless amount of stunning beaches to explore on Maui. And we often visit a few different ones. But with our brave little water babies, the baby beach in Lahaina is absolutely perfect!! We pack a cooler of food and stay the whole day!
Pros: NO waves, lots of shade, occasional glimpse of little fish in the crystal clear water, close to where we we were staying, tons of restaurants and shops in town
Cons: It can be hard to find if you've never been, can be hard to find parking, it's not perfectly cleaned up like the beaches outside the resorts.
SO there you have it! A few of the things that make our trip all the more enjoyable. Not that you can really have a bad time on Maui. But take this as a grain of salt. I am no expert; just a Mama hoping to save you from airplane meltdown =P
Warmly,KarmenP.S. If you would like hear more about some our favourite spots on Maui, let me know! I'd be happy to spotlight a some favs in detail.P.P.S. I am so stoked to shoot the above images for THE SKINNY again this year. The Skinny is a local YEG shop and they carry some fantastic childrens and women's wear! We basically wore them all on repeat for the whole trip!! (thanks to that washer and dryer haha)
Audrey's ALOHA (Moana) Birthday!
Oh my goodness, my heart is so full. Earlier this month, we celebrated our "big girl's" birthday! Our little Audrey has turned four and we are so happy that we were able to celebrate with so many of our family and friends. You guys are truly what made her day so darn special <3. And an extra special thanks goes out to my sis-in-law Alicia ( for helping make our Hawaiian party dreams come true!By now, you all probably know that I love making pretty things. So every birthday is basically an excuse to get creative! Combine that with the fact that my Sis-in-Law is a Party Planner and we. just. can't. be. stopped. Haha, seriously we just had way to much fun putting this all together.In case you are interested, I thought I would make a little list of my favourite things and where you can get them!Balloon Arch and Banners- The Small DetailsThe Ocean in a Bottle Craft! - This craft turned out so cute, and the kids really loved making them! I ordered the teensy little bottles off Amazon and the beads are a dollar store specials haha. ( If you are interested in detailed instruction on how to make them just let me know!)Confetti Balloons- The Small DetailsPin The Necklace on Moana- ETSY. This was HILAIOUS to watch. Turns our blindfolded, dizzy preschoolers are the funniest.Ocean Themed Water Sensory Table- You can pick up these non-toxic waterbeads at the dollarstore (in the craft section) and the kids go crazy for them every single time! I happened to have a bunch of plastic sea animals around the house that were a perfect addition.Cupcake Wrappers and Toppers - Ok seriously. How darn adorable were the pineapples and the little umbrellas. Alicia used her circuit wizardry to make them. SO GOOD! The Small DetailsI can't believe we have to wait until December to this again! If you have any questions just let me know.<3 Karmen