Why is photography so expensive?


OK, so here's the thing, this is really uncomfortable to talk about but I am going to anyways because I think these days transparency is everything.  So here we go, let’s get right into it. Why is professional photography 'expensive'? 

  1. First of all, because running a photography business is expensive!! By now you have probably noticed ALOT of different people who start a photography business only to close it within a year or two because they are losing so much valuable time and resources. You see, what many people don't realize is that Photographers are paying bills just like your local salon or accountant. Unfortunately being a professional photographer isn't just buying a nice camera and booking clients. There are website fees, taxes, insurance, overhead costs, thousands of dollars worth of equipment to maintain and upgrade, there is editing software, emailing software, studio management software (ugh, so much software) and accountants and contractors and lab fees, etc. Let me tell ya, some days the expenses feel endless!!

  2. Photography is filled with hidden hours. When you pay your photographer $300 for an hour long session, you are not paying them $300 an hour. Many hours are spent communicating, planning, driving, culling, editing, downloading and uploading. That one hour session can easily take up 8 hours of the photographers time. In fact, According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most photographers earn between $31,710 and $40,280 annually, or $15.24 to $19.37 an hour (pixsy.com).

  3. Cost of education. True not all photographers go to post-secondary for photography. But I did! And on top of earning a degree, techniques and technology are always changing so it is important to keep learning and improving! Last year I invested over $3000 into education, and this year I have already spent $2000 so that I can serve my clients better and keep my business thriving!!

  4. When you hire a professional photographer you are hiring an experienced artist. You are hiring someone with a unique eye and set of skills. You are hiring someone who knows how to make you feel incredible and confident and at ease. If you are brand, you are hiring someone who is able to translate your company’s story into a beautiful visual. Photography is unique in that it is equal parts technical skill, creativity and connection, and many photographers, myself included, have spent years honing their craft!

  5. Photographs are invaluable and irreplaceable. Photography is one of those things that actually gets better with age. When cared for properly it will last for generations. And in my opinion, it is one of the few things we buy that doesn't have a shelf life. It doesn't become less important when trends shift. It possesses a truly unique emotional value.

So there you have it friends. I hope this adds a little context and insight into why photography costs what it does. I realize for some it’s just not worth it, and that is OK!! Phones have wonderful cameras now and we are all free to document our lives and businesses in that way if we so choose. But if you do value photography, know that by paying proper rates that you are supporting a working artist. An artist who is creating one-of-kind art just for you! Take so much pride in knowing that you are supporting a sustainable, local business!

And if you are feeling especially bold, when you see a photographer selling sessions and all the files for an incredibly low price like $150, take a minute to send her some love and encouragement. Let her know that she is incredibly talented and worth so much more. Because chances are, she is giving up valuable time with her family, she is exhausted, she isn’t making a living and her business may even be on the verge of burning out. (of course this applies to men as well, but in my experience women have a much harder time charging their worth!)

I would love to hear from you! Does this add some clarity and transparency to the price of photography? Have you also noticed the incredibly high turnover amongst local photographers?

And lastly, to my fellow photographers. How many of you struggle immensely with knowing your worth and pricing sustainably? I so get it, and want you to know that you are not alone. If you ever need help please don’t hesitate to reach out!



photocredit: Marielle Elizabeth