The Taylor Family takes on Westerner Days | Red Deer Family Photographer
Ever since having a family of my own, photographing parents and their beloved little ones has taken on a whole new meaning. I love tagging along on little outings or just spending some time documenting everyday life. This session was a first though! Thanks so much for having me join you at the Westerner Days Fair Taylor fam, I am so totally in love your photos! I hope that you are as enchanted as I am!Would you ever get your family photos taken at the fair? If not, where would be your dream location?!
May your portraits age like a fine wine!
The truth is I don't want your portraits be that cheap pair of flip-flops that broke after one summer of use and then were carelessly tossed into the garbage. I want your portraits to be that favourite pair of leather boots. You know the ones! The ones that just make you feel so darn gooooooood everytime you put them on! I want them to hang proudly on your walls or rest lovingly on your coffee table. I want your portraits to make you smile every time you walk by that gallery wall or flip through the pages of your album. I am wildly aware that this will not work for everyone's taste and/or budget and that's ok, because these days there are an incredible amount of photography options to choose from. But for YOU, you know who you are..... you think less just might actually be more, you would rather have 10 stunning prints for your wall than 100s of files lost on a hard-drive. For you, I want to create something one-of-a-kind, something long-lasting. Seriously though, is it egotistical of me to want the photos I take to be the ones handed down to your great-grandchildren? I imagine that they will lovingly look through them, perhaps they will need to smooth out a crease from it being accidentally folded into the gutter of a book, or maybe the ink will be slightly faded from sitting on that sunny livingroom shelf, and they will wonder to themselves about what life was like all the way back in 2018 with all it's strange, beautiful moments and trends.
What did I do before photography? | Embarrassing Photos Included
I recently had someone ask me, "What did you do before this."For a second I was confused, but soon after realized what she meant; what was I doing before I became a mom and started taking photos. My reply, "Nothing. This is what I went to school for!"She had no idea, and I suspect a lot of you didn't either. You guys, the becoming a professional photographer part of my life was so long ago, in fact it's been 9 years since I got that business licence. Sometimes I forget just how much that stage in my life shaped both me and my business. So what do you say, shall we do a little reminiscing today?
It all started in 9th grade when I signed up to go to Mexico with our church. Before this trip, I had been to the Calgary Zoo haha. So ya, let's call it the beginning of Karmen's love affair with travel.

Rebecca | Genuine Portrait Series
I have always been drawn to simple portraits. You know the kind that pull you in a hold you there. Somehow frozen in time, is this person and their personality. No distractions, no bells and whistles. It's genuine and it's pretty wonderful. I have known for a while that I wanted to start a project like the #GenuinePortraitSeries, but I wasn't really sure how to go about it. But, I finally decided that couldn't just wait around for the perfect idea to formulate, if I want to start a simple portrait series, well then I should just do it! Sometimes the best things just happen organically, you know what I mean?So I hauled out my lighting equipment and set-up for weeks in my living room (Ok it's still up, but I have taken it down a couple times lol). I started photographing woman after woman (men are welcome too haha, just hasn't happened yet) and started to really, truly fall in love with the project. I am so excited by not only the beauty of the portraits, but also their potential! These people are all so unique and amazing, and, WOW, am I ever excited to tell their story through portraiture!! And I honestly can't wait to see how each person uses their new photos to develop their brand or to hang in their house or to give to their Moms or to freshen up their Instagram feed or, well you get the point =)!Annnnnyways, it is about time that I start sharing them with you all here on the blog!! And I am really excited about it (don't suppose you can tell?)! So without further ado. Here is Rebecca. She is incredibly passionate about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the strength that she has found within the sport!
"Hi, it's me Rebecca. I started jiu jitsu in January of 2015. I learned about this particular martial art through a good friend of mine who had started jiu jitsu the summer we met. After just a few months of training in jiu jitsu she knew enough to show me some moves on her basement floor. The technique is one I will never forget (arm lock series from side control.) Up until that moment I had never felt truly empowered by what my small 115lb frame could do. With a sort of fragile physical history, (having crushed my T9 vertebrae in 2012 while cliff jumping) I was surprised to understand that with proper leverage I could not only break someone's arm but that I could actually hold a grown man's life in my own two hands. Once unlocking this new found strength, there was no turning back. I moved to Calgary the next month and found the gym closets to my home. Since that day I have been training, traveling, and competing for jiu jitsu. It has taken me places I thought were out of my reach. That’s what jiu jitsu will do. It will bring you places that you didn’t even knew existed within yourself and the world. But that’s for you to find out.I am passionate about helping others learn and love welcoming new people to the sport. You should try it, I guarantee you will love it. Here are 5 things you need to know before your first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class:
- You are not an inconvenience to anybody. Every single person on the mat has been exactly we're you are right now. Even world champions.
- You are not going to be good at it. But after your first class you will feel happy. No matter what you'll love it.
- Yes people sweat and it's ok if you do too. Jiu jitsu is cardio x1000. Bring a small hand towel or face towel if you are really worried.
- What to wear. Regardless of what Academy you are planning to attend most Jiujitsu players dress the same. We will start with the gi. A gi is a garment worn in jiujitsu that looks like a judo or karate kimono but is very different. It's used to grip, control, and to submit your opponent. Call the gym you are planning to attend and ask if they provide a rental gi. If not that's ok! Under the gi we wear a rash-guard and spats. A rash-guard is a top that does exactly what the name insinuates, provides a layer of protection from bacteria for your skin and from the friction of your gi. You can buy special jiujitsu brand but it's not necessary, it needs to be tight fitting and breathable (anything but cotton). Next are spats or tights. I know you're thinking "but I'm not Peter Pan." It's okay you can wear shorts overtop or most likely gi bottoms. Trust me, rash-guard and spats are life savers. Pro-tip: TAKE OFF YOUR SOCKS!
- Information overload is a real thing.
You are not alone. Nerves are real and we all have them to a certain degree."
I hope you enjoyed learning more about the #genuineportraitseries and this spit-fire of a woman! If you are interested you can follow her journey on Instagram @beansofnebula.Warmly,Karmen