yeg boudoir photographer

Every Body Is Beautiful for DOTE Magazine

Every Body Is Beautiful for DOTE Magazine

It’s been a process, and I’d be lying if I said that I figured everything out. The whole journey has left a lasting impression on me and it is the reason why I photograph women in a way that claims back our womanliness and celebrates the female body for all of its strength and loveliness. This shoot is a culmination of these things as well as so much more. Each woman pictured has been on her own unique journey, and I couldn’t be happier that we all ended up spending a chilly evening standing together in Mill Creek…

Shadow Play | Style Session with Volerra, Finders Keephers Boutique and Boheme Goods

Shadow Play | Style Session with Volerra, Finders Keephers Boutique and Boheme Goods

Ain't nothing like photographing other creative souls. I could give you a thousand reason to book a soul session or brand session, but I'm just going to let the photos do the talking today. If you have any questions let me know!! 

I didn't mean to make you feel bad. | Ethical Fashion

 I just wanted to say sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad.  Truly I didn't.  In fact, causing you to feel less then was one of the main fears I had when I started to share this journey...In case you are feeling a little lost, let me give you some context. ***cue that weird musical transition they always do in movies when they change scenes for a memory haha** The past few months have been filled with many wonderful events and photo sessions.  I got to met and chat with so many incredible women and like-minded souls.  I dressed in clothes that I feel great in (and didn't immediately get covered in food, dirt or duck poop)!  For this fairly introverted, rural Mama of two it was somehow completely energizing and exhausting in the best kind of way.It was during these wonderful get-togethers that I began to notice a reoccuring dialogue that went something like this... 

A says, "oh I love your shoes, where did you get them?!"

B uncomfortably replies, "ahh, shoot, you had to ask me in front of these capsule wardrobe people haha." 


C says, "you look incredible in that dress, I would love to find something like that."

D looks towards me with shame, "ummm, Zara."

 There was a lingering guilt or shame or maybe it was something else.  Either way, I have begun noticing it more and more where people feel that they need to explain to me why they can't currently purchase responsibly-made fashion.  But let me tell you, whether it's a postpartum body, the initial investments, or the fact that you just really like shopping, you DO NOT owe me an explaination.  I never have and never will look at your outfit and decide what kind of person you are.  And in that same breath, I do not think buying ethically made clothing makes me a better person then someone who doesn't.  It is, quite simply, a place in my life that I felt a need/desire/ability to make a positive shift.I began sharing my journey because I couldn't have made this change without the incredible help of those who bravely shared theirs with me.  You might notice the use of the word brave there and feel a deep desire to roll your eyes, but it IS scary to put yourself out there.So, long story short, I will continue to share about responsible fashion because I think it is a fabulous and much needed conversation, but please don't let it discourage you and if you ever have any questions or thoughts please share!!  You DO NOT need to own a single piece of responsible made clothing to join this club and conversation!!!Warmly,Karmen

The Straight Facts | Honest Reviews


 Hello Friends!As you know I began my journey into capsule wardrobes and responsible fashion just over a year ago.  I have learned so much and have discovered sooo many incredible brands and makers along the way (I'm talking rule-breakers, wave-makers who are genuinely making the world a little better).  And as promised, I am going to share as much of this info with you as I can!Before I get started, I do really want to clarify a few things. 1. Most of the clothes I will be sharing I have personally purchased.  BUT some have been given to me in exchange for photos.  2. NO ONE has given me clothing in exchange for my review.  Now why, am I telling you this?  Because if you are anything like me, you find it exhausting to try and navigate whether someone truly loves a product or if they are only saying so because they want to make money selling it!  (UGH)  So to be perfectly clear, I am making ZERO dollars telling you my thoughts on these pieces of clothing.Now all that said!  I am so exciting to start sharing some of my favourite ethically made garments, in hopes that it might help you!  Because ordering online is scary!!!  OK so are you ready? 

 I am going to start out with a review of the


!  You have almost definitely seen me wearing this top whether on Instagram or around town.  I L O V E, love it.  Seriously. 



  • It is incredibly soft and flowy

  • Made from Bamboo cotton which is breathable, antibacterial, biodegradable and sustainable!

  • Washes incredibly well. I wash mine on the hand-wash cycle in my washer and hang to dry. It has been washed ALOT and is in perfect condition.

  • It can be dressed up or down. Ladies, I wore this top layered over a little black dress for a fancy dinner, and I've also worn it with yoga pants to dance class! It's very versatile!

  • It's reversible!!! You can were the tulip in the front or in the back.

  • Made in Canada by lovely people


  • There really isn't one. I love this top!

  • The cost seems scary. (it is worth it though)


 If you have ANY questions!  Let me know.  I am more then happy to help! 

Vintage Trailer Reno | 1970s Triple E Camper

 OH my goodness you guys!!  I got an email from Alberta Parks saying that we can start booking camping sites at the end of the month! When I read it, two things immediately crossed my mind:

  1. That's flippin' crazy.  Its FEBRUARY.  I don't plan that far in advance.
  2. Weeeee camping!

And now I keep finding myself daydreaming of summer, and actually considering camping sites in February lol. So since I can't get summer off my mind anayways, I figured now would be the perfect time to share our little trailer reno here on the blog.If you follow me on instagram you have probably caught me over-sharing about our beloved little trailer already. But for those of you who haven't, I inherited this teensy little home-on-wheels when my Dad passed away and proceeded to spend a good chunk of last spring giving it a bit of a face-lift. I can honestly say that it turned out to be a wonderful healing process for both me and the trailer! We are both feeling lighter and brighter and less leaky.Here is a little glimpse at the BEFORE pictures:[gallery type="square" size="large" columns="4" link="file" ids="4725,4723,4726,4721,4724,4722"]My grandparents bought this trailer brand new in the 70s, so it is filled to the brim with road trip memories. The fabric on the cushions has already been replaced at some point, but I really wanted to keep as much of the rest as original as possible. The hardest part really was tying in the new fabrics with the (awesome) existing patterns and colours of the 70s. Not gonna lie, I think it was a wonderful success. Everything feels fresh and clean, but nothing is so precious that dirty camping fingers and muddy paws can ruin it. Last summer we gave it a good test-run. We enjoyed every bit of our hard-work, and I reveled in the fact that I get to keep this little piece of my dad's childhood alive with my own family. To say we are excited to make some new memories this year would be a giant understatement..... So I just might have to be that person who books their camping in February lol️. How about you? Do you book early to get your favourite spots? Or do you do what I usually do and just call around until you find something available haha?P.S.  If you have any questions regarding the reno let me know!!  Just didn't want to bore y'all with the details 😉

HUGE thanks to Suzanne Taylor Photography for taking some photos of us hanging out on a perfect Alberta summer night.  All the lovely photos of us are by her.

Randee For The Skinny | Lifestyle Fashion Brand

Randee.  "I hate getting my photo taken".  Also Randee.  "I need to apologize in advance for how awkward I am going to be!"Well I am so glad that despite all of her fears this lovely babe travelled down from Edmonton to model some clothing for the beautifully curated shop she works at, The Skinny.  I have worked with The Skinny before, but this was my first time shooting some of their women's wear and I LOVED it.  So much goodness.Also, it was summer.  Man, I really miss summer.  Anyone else pretending this warm 0 degree day is the beginning of spring??XO,KarmenP.S.  There is a part two of this shoot coming and it is fire!  So stay tuned! 

Maui Lifestyle Boudoir Sneakpeek

Can I just travel the world and photograph all the incredible women?  Their stories, strength, families, business, love.Feeling so grateful to have been able to spend a few minutes capturing this lovely human while we were on Maui!!  It has got me thinking about potential travel dates!  Where are you from?  Any place you would love to have a lifestyle session?