Lifestyle Portrait Marathon // May 18 and June 22
Did you hear, did you hear? I am going to be hosting a Lifestyle Portrait Marathon on May 18th and June 22nd, and I am so excited! All sessions and products will be discounted! Yup, it’s going to be so good friends.
Spaces are very limited and last spring my boudoir marathon sold-out, so I guess what I am saying is, DON’T WAIT!
So excited to be hosting a Portrait Marathon at Meridian Beach and my home studio on May 18 and June 22nd. These sessions are perfect for boudoir, couples, families, bloggers, business owners and brands! Please shoot me an email HERE to book.UPDATE** Only two sessions available on May 18 and a handful on June 22d
Outdoor Boudoir Marathon | Central Alberta Lifestyle Photographer
Calling all you adventurous and free-spirited souls!! ♥♥I am so excited to be hosting my first OUTDOOR BOUDOIR MARATHON in over 4 years! After some searching I have finally found the perfectly secluded meadow and forest to shoot in!!These sessions are so unique and absolutely stunning. I shoot in natural light and work with you to find natural poses where you feel comfortable in front of the camera. Basically it is my goal to capture beautiful, empowered and real moments.Packages are $395 and include:// pampering by my fantastic hair + makeup tem// delicious wine from Lacombe Wine Girl (Chateau Wine & Spirits)// 60 minute coached lifestyle photography session with Karmen// private online gallery// 6 stunning fine-art 5x7 prints in a beautitful clutch// print, digital and album options available a la carte// pre-shoot consult available by request.We love women of all shapes, sizes and colours.Limited availabilty.Want to book? Any questions?! Feel free to comment below or email me at I am also posting regularly in the Facebook Event, check it out for lot's more info and pictures. I can't wait to hear from you!!
Karlee Prins | Genuine Portait Series
Hi Friends!! I am so excited to share another set of images from Genuine Portrait Series! I would like you to meet Karlee Prins. Karlee is one of those women who light up the room with her kindness and confidence. She is a HARD-working Mama of 4 who left her psychiatric nursing career to become an entrepreneur and she is absolutely crushing it, if I do say so myself!! If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook you probably already know, but Karlee is also the talented Make-up artist for all of my Boudoir Marathons!! I am honestly so glad to have her on our team. If Karlee had a superpower, it would probably be making others feel absolutely amazing!!I asked Karlee if she wouldn't mind sharing a little about herself, so here she is!"When a women is deemed to be confident its perceived that she must be conceited, or self-centered! Our society in general has made a confident women seen this way! And because of this, we choose to dim our lights, to make others feel more comfortable.Let me tell you what gaining more confidence has done for me....I used to be the type that would walk into a room and feel like people were judging me, were talking about me, or didn't want me to be around me. In fact I felt nervous and would stutter more. I used to look in the mirror and feel that without makeup, I wasn't beautiful. I used to feel that my dress size reflected me as a person, and that I had to fit a certain mould to be beautiful. You see I, like so many women, cared more what others thought than what I believed or thought of myself. It wasn't until I began on my journey with Younique that I realized you can walk into a room full of women you have never met, and not feel like you're being judged. And in fact, leave that room with life long friendships. I realized that pouring more into myself through personal development and surrounding myself with women who are constantly lifting you up, has been the biggest contributor to me finally realizing I'm worthy. I'm enough. I can walk into a room now and not care if people are judging or talking about me. Why? Cause I'm confident in who I am and know I can't control what other people's perceptions are! It doesn't bother me like it used to. It has made me love myself more, and genuinely have a sense of peace inside me. And that sense of peace is like no other! Can you honestly say you're happy? I can!So the next time you see a confident women, instead of being intimidated by her, be inspired. Be inspired to find yourself enough that you can truly say you are content with who you are and who you were created to be! My goal is to help as many women as possible know how amazing they are, how WORTHY they are, despite their looks or pant size! My goal is for my kids to know they can literally do anything they put their minds to, to follow what their hearts are telling them, and to NEVER dim their light to make someone else feel more comfortable! We each have a path, and we each have many gifts and talents! My hope is that you can be confident enough to realize your own, to embrace who you are, and let you light shine so bright the world will have to wear sunglasses!Be Confident. Be You! Cause you're amazing! And my gosh girl, you are so so WORTH IT!!"
If you guys want to chat more with this fantastic chick, find her on Facebook! You can also check out her website, Thanks so much for hanging out guys!! Have a great week!!!Warmly,Karmen