
Could we really part with everything we have built?

Maybe it's because I was completely exhausted from a 6.5 hour red-eye flight with two children.  Or perhaps it was the cute little off-the-grid cottage that we stayed at in Maui (pictures above!!).  Or it could have even been the wonderful simplicity of living with only a bag full of clothes and toiletries.  But after two weeks of travelling, when I stepped back into the home I adore, it suddenly felt HUGE and overwhelming. I turned to Brad and said, "I've never felt more ready to downsize"It's something that has loomed in the back of our minds for a while now.  But the truth is, we absolutely love our home.  We built it ourselves, planted the grass and trees.  We love it here and have hundreds of little (and big) projects in mind to make it even better.  But neither of us can seem to shake the feeling that we just don't need the extra space, the extra stuff, the extra costs.The idea of downsizing is sort of intoxicating.  But will it  actually be a positive forward step for our family?  Or will it turn out that cute little homes are really only practical for a two week vacation?  Have you ever toyed with idea of downsizing your home?  Anyone actually done it?!  I would love to hear your thoughts!Warmly,Karmen