Africa Journal {WE HAVE FAITH CARAVAN} Day 17-19 | Edmonton & International Photographer
November 18, 2011 | Livingstone, Zambia to Serowe, BotswanaDay #17- Today we left VERY early to catch the Ferry that would take us across the Zambezi River to Botswana!! On the way there, my new African friends frightened me with the story of how the Ferry capsized in 2003 killing 18 people. And wouldn't you know it, when we arrive the second ferry is capsized on the other side of the river... needless to say we all loaded very cautiously onto pontoon. I can't speak for everyone else but I was pondering the existence of alligators in the river and making an escape route in my head! Fortunately though, we (Truck 4) all arrived safely on Botswana's shores where we waited 3 hours until all the other trucks made it across. Then we headed to our most remote campsite thus far!We arrived at the Elephant Sands Campsite at sunset. This was a lovely place where wild animals and A LOT OF BUGS roamed freely. In fact, the bugs didn't want to leave me alone. There were these flying beetle things that covered my hair when I was trying to shower and insisted on being inside my sleeping bag while I slept, shutter. But I didn't have to put up with them for long; it was short night, we were to wake-up, pack-up and be back on the road by 2am.
November 19, 2011 | Serowe, Botswana to Gaborone, BotswanaDay #18- After a super early start, we receive a very warm welcome from Gaberone. We meet an inspiring group of cyclists and speakers who offer us words of encouragement and provide a lovely lunch for us! Afterwards we head to the most awful campsite on the whole trip. There is nothing but old buildings, piles of broken toilets (??) and a river filled with alligators! It wasn't a big deal though, most of us were happy to enjoy the impressive Thunder Storm and catch up on some sleep.
Later that evening, we headed out to an intimate evening concert! I had a terrible time trying to focus in the dark, so after capturing a few images I decided to take the opportunity to enjoy the concert. Let's just say my voice was sore from singing and my muscles very sore from dancing my pants off!!
November 20, 2011 | Gaborone, BotswanaDay #19- Today I stepped on a ginormous thorn. Yes, I was just out brushing my teeth before church and I stepped on an insanely large thorn that went through my sandal and into my foot. So nice and deep, in fact, that my sandal dangled there nailed to the ball of my foot. Of course, I quickly pulled it out and though it hurt quite a lot I figured it would feel better in an hour or so. Well, I was wrong! By the end of the church service, my foot barely fit into my flip-flop and was basically useless for walking on. It did hurt, but I was frustrated more by the inconvenience of not being able to walk properly!Later in the evening, a brave soul (Yussuf) stepped forward to perform surgery on my damaged extremity. Well, it wasn't exactly surgery... but Ryan decided to call it that and it really caught on. This surgery, was made even more dramatic by the crowd that gathered to watch. My only wish was that the wound was more impressive, pretty sure everyone just thought I was I big baby. Oh my, I did have to laugh at the whole situation though.
Africa Journal {WE HAVE FAITH CARAVAN} Day 16 | Edmonton & International Photographer
November 17, 2011 | Lusaka, Zambia to Livingstone, ZambiaDay #16- Today was a WONDERFUL day with a memorable stop at Victoria Falls (or Mosi-oa-Tunya meaning the Smoke that Thunders, thanks Wikipedia). Even though it was quite dry while we were there, the falls were still absolutely gorgeous. And then, just when I thought it couldn't get any better, we arrive at a campsite with warm showers, a clean pool, and a stellar bar with wifi!!! HEAVEN.Now sit back and ENJOY the view!
© Karmen Meyer Photography 2012. All images are property of Karmen Meyer.…..…..
Africa Journal {WE HAVE FAITH CARAVAN} Day 12-15 | Edmonton & International Photographer
We are reaching a point in the trip, where I was feeling a little discouraged. We as a media team were frustrated, our intention of sharing tons of amazing photos, videos and stories everyday on our website just wasn't happening. This was for two reasons:1. Lack of internet and power. Batteries don't stay charged forever and we simply cannot post things without internet.2. Spending all daylight hours on the trucks driving. While I was at first content trying to capture the odd image out the window, this unfortunately grew old and rather unsuccessful. Looking back, I do wish I had worked harder to capture some successful images in the trucks, since let's face it, this was the majority of the trip. But nothing can be done for that now.So sorry for the lack of inspired images during this portion of the trip. Unfortunately my dispirited attitude was showing in my images, but I did say I would share the whole experience.... November 13, 2011 | Lilongwe, MalawiDay #12- While Ryan heads off with the rest of the Caravan to shoot some video at another concert, Ruth and I head into town with the cooks to pick up some work supplies and groceries. It was so great to be off the trucks and walk through the market. Unfortunately though, I wasn't allowed to take any photos, as my 'making a scene' would drive up the prices of the food for the caravan.When we arrived back at camp, there was still no water! So, we did our laundry with pool water, definitely a first for me. Once laundry was finished and hung up to dry, it was time to sit down and get most of my editing caught up and uploaded. It was so great to finally have photos available for the website!Later that evening I found out that I wasn't the only feeling discouraged. A bunch of caravaners stayed up late for some slightly mischievous and much needed fun =)Check some photos from camp that day below!
November 14, 2011 | Lilongwe, Malawi to Chipata, MalawiDay #13- Finally, a short drive day! We arrive at the Mama-Rula campsite in daylight! Some people go to town, while others stayed back to enjoy the pool, some soccer and dancing. Thing I won’t forget…. How many bugs are in the showers!November 15, 2013 | Chipata, Malawi to Lusaka, ZambiaDay #14- We arrive in Zambia, welcomed by a marching band and police escorts. Zambia seems very excited that we are here!! Also, today I had SUBWAY! Yes, the sandwich. Not quite the same as at home, but I can’t tell how happy I was not to eat camp food!
Oh and this was the night that we didn't put a tarp on our tent and then the sky opened up and drenched us in our sleep. While sleeping in a sopping wet sleeping bag was less then ideal, the real bummer was that my iPod didn't survive the flood. Seems lame but one of the saddest moments of the trip. Sometimes iPod = My Sanity. But I am happy to report after a few days of adjusting I survived!
November 16, 2011 | Lusaka, ZambiaDay #15- Today was a disheartening day for all. What started out as wonderful welcome into Zambia turned into a very disappointing concert. The concert was broadcasted LIVE and while there were many amazing artists, one of the acts hired to play was extremely inappropriate. This would have been manageable had their not been a lot of children in the audience. And, to top it off, some one was selling alcohol to minors. None of this was meant to be. We all left early and upset.That being said, there were still some great parts of the concert before things got out of hand. Check it out below!
© Karmen Meyer Photography 2012. All images are property of Karmen Meyer.…..…..
What's To Come {AFRICA} | Edmonton & International Photographer
I am working on a bunch of blog posts from my trip to Africa!! The first one should be up tomorrow, but in the meantime you should check out this fantastic video from the super talented, all-round rad guy and 1/3 of our little media team, Ryan Geleynse. It is so beautiful and brings back so many amazing memories.Consider it a preview of everything that I am going to tell you about over the next couple weeks!! Let me know what you think, and feel free to ask questions... I promise to answer anything you want to know about the trip. ENJOY!!Truly,KarmenCheck out Ryan's other videos too. Although, I assure you that this will not be the last time you see one of them on my blog!