Honest Review | Nisolo Heeled Chelsea
I swear we ran into every problem imaginable, but I do have to say that Nisolo handled it with grace and did everything they could to make it right! And so at the end of it all, I ended up with these beautiful Brandy Heeled Chelsea Boots (even though I ordered black lol). And I LOVE them. They have been a perfect addition to my closet and have helped me create tons of new outfits with my existing wardrobe. So let me break it down into pros and cons for you.
Well the snow has made a return, so it seemed like the perfect time to give you an honest review of these gorgeous boots which have proven to be season-less.So I am not going to lie, I got off to a bad start with Nisolo. I purchased a pair of smoking shoes (flat, loafer type) and even though they were absolutely gorgeous, there was a bit of damage on them from one of the shoe clamps and sadly I had to be send them back at my expense. Then they were misplaced in their warehouse and the entire process ground to a halt. In the meantime they sold out of my size, and on and on and on this story goes. I swear we ran into every problem imaginable, but I do have to say that they handled it with grace and did everything they could to make it right!!And so at the end of it all, I ended up with these beautiful Brandy Heeled Chelsea Boots (even though I ordered black lol). And I LOVE them. They have been a perfect addition to my closet and have helped me create tons of new outfits with my existing wardrobe. So let me break it down into pros and cons for you.
Such classic, stylish looking boot! They are just beautiful friends.
Incredibly versatile. I love pairing them with everything from dresses to overalls. I have been loving wearing them all winter with wool socks!
Both available colours are perfect. They come in a weatherproof black and this brandy colour. I was worried the brandy would be to rich of a colour for my wardrobe but it turns out to be the perfect pop of warmth! Gosh I am so happy with the colour.
They are comfortable..... once broken in, which took a few wears. I wear them ALL. THE. TIME!
You have to order from a third party, Garmentory, if you are in Canada.
They take a bit of time to break-in. I was honestly worried I ordered a size to small but now they are perfect!
There is no padding in the sole. My beloved Poppy Barley boots have spoiled me with memory-foam in the soles. These boots are very comfortable, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the cozy padding my PBs have.
All-in-all, these have become an absolute go-to pair of boots and have held up beautifully in Alberta's change of seasons. I dont' want my struggles deter you from ordering from Nisolo! It really seems that my experience is not the normal costumer experience for them. And these boots were 100% worth all the little challenges! I hope that helps! Questions? Comments? Fire away!KarmenP.S. I am also wearing Only Child Dune Pants and a notPERFECTlinen cardigan.*While the first pair of shoes I ordered were on my own dime, Nisolo gifted me these boots in exchange for photos. My review however was NOT paid for. It is just honest feedback on my experience. Just want to make sure that these reviews are always 100% transparent!
Every Body Is Beautiful for DOTE Magazine
It’s been a process, and I’d be lying if I said that I figured everything out. The whole journey has left a lasting impression on me and it is the reason why I photograph women in a way that claims back our womanliness and celebrates the female body for all of its strength and loveliness. This shoot is a culmination of these things as well as so much more. Each woman pictured has been on her own unique journey, and I couldn’t be happier that we all ended up spending a chilly evening standing together in Mill Creek…
It all started at the beach. Young, modest and insecure; I found myself wading in the water wearing a one-piece Speedo covered with a t-shirt and board shorts. I’m not sure why I felt my thighs were embarrassing or that my body was something to be covered and unseen, I just know that by being covered up I was hiding. I was afraid.
It was at the beach that I saw mothers, women confidently in bikinis. I watched them in awe, and disbelief. How did they not feel concerned with all the people around them seeing their imperfect bodies? How did they get the confidence to so nonchalantly show themselves to the world?
Years have passed and I am now a mother myself. I think back to these moments I had when I was young, so insecure, yet, so amazed by the confidence these women exuded. Their freedom and confidence gave me permission to be OK with myself. I could dress like myself. I could be myself. I could breathe.
It’s been a process, and I’d be lying if I said that I figured everything out. The whole journey has left a lasting impression on me and it is the reason why I photograph women in a way that claims back our womanliness and celebrates the female body for all of its strength and loveliness. This shoot is a culmination of these things as well as so much more. Each woman pictured has been on her own unique journey, and I couldn’t be happier that we all ended up spending a chilly evening standing together in Mill Creek, Edmonton.
My hope is that others will see these incredible, strong, smart, beautiful women as a source of encouragement and strength. That perhaps for a few, it might just be the first step on a road to self-discovery and self-love. Let’s look out for each other, friends. Let’s take every possible opportunity to build each other up. You don’t know when a young girl, covered up in a speedo, will be watching.
Publication: DOTE Magazine
Models: Marielle Elizabeth, Hannah Hamilton, Osase, Kendra Allen, Sharon Litchfield, Justine Ma, Anna Stein
Floral Crowns: Lacombe Florists
Hair: Jill Keech
Make-Up: Shake-up That Make-up Tiiu Antrea
Clothing: Red Ribbon
Randee For The Skinny | Lifestyle Fashion Brand
Randee. "I hate getting my photo taken". Also Randee. "I need to apologize in advance for how awkward I am going to be!"Well I am so glad that despite all of her fears this lovely babe travelled down from Edmonton to model some clothing for the beautifully curated shop she works at, The Skinny. I have worked with The Skinny before, but this was my first time shooting some of their women's wear and I LOVED it. So much goodness.Also, it was summer. Man, I really miss summer. Anyone else pretending this warm 0 degree day is the beginning of spring??XO,KarmenP.S. There is a part two of this shoot coming and it is fire! So stay tuned!
Tammy | Genuine Portrait Series
Hey Friends, it's been a little while since I posted a Genuine Portrait Series session here!! But it just so happens to be Volerra's second birthday this week (hooray)!! So, I thought there was probably no better time to share some photos of the incredible lady then now.Meet Tammy. Tammy hand-makes gorgeous jewellery which is as easy on the eyes as it is on the soul . Her attention to design and love of nature is evident in every single piece. You should really just do your lovely free-spirit a favor and head over to her website (or instagram feed). I'm serious, just looking at her jewelry will leave you with that good sorta feeling. You know the kind I'm talking about? Hard to miss, but hard to describe.
I asked Tammy if she wouldn't mind sharing a little bit more about herself and Volerra, so without further ado, here she is:
Summer Mini Session Style Guide | Alberta Lifestyle Photographer
Summer portrait season is in full swing, and I am sooo excited! I know it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming to decide how dress for your session. So I thought I would post a little inspiration to help ya out. If you ever have any worries or concerns about what to wear for your photo session please feel free to let me know!! I would absolutely love to help you style it to perfection.P.S. In case you missed it! I am hosting mini-sessions for individuals, couples and families this July in DRUMHELLER! It's going to be so incredible and I have two sessions left!! Click HERE to find out more.
Travelling with Kids | Maui Family Vacation
We’ve made a lot of little mistakes while travelling with the girls. But I feel like this time we got a whole lot right! And I thought I would share a little about what has worked well for us just in case it might help you (and to remind myself for next time!)So, first and foremost, I always head into a trip with the mindset that travelling with kids is going to be an adventure. Maybe not the type where you go cliff-jumping or climb a mountain, but literally ANYTHING can happen and you are just going to have roll with the punches and laugh off all the crazy. Ohh and that time change… give it a day or two, sleep will come haha.Lol so have I sold you yet? But honestly, nothing quite compares to the trips we have taken as family, they are beyond special.This list is pretty specific to Maui but would be useful for any hot destination! So here we go! Here are some of things that have worked best for us: 1. PACKING. Pack light. If you are lucky enough to be travelling to a warm destination like we were. You honestly are not going to need a lot! Bring things you can mix and match (and don't bother bringing those jeans, you are so not going to wear them! It's 27 degrees every single day!). And when you are lugging two carseats and stroller through the airport, you really don't want to have a whole bunch of bags as well.AND if you pack light, it means you can rent that mustang convertible. Not sure if there is anything better than driving along the ocean with the top down (and the kids napping in the backseat). Not to mention all the people waiting at the airport will cheer you on as you fit those carseats and stroller in. Haha, no joke. 2. BOOK A PLACE WITH A KITCHEN AND WASHER/DRYER! I know it's a vacation. But my kids are always hungry. And you know whats less fun then making a few meals.... dragging tired kids to a restaurant three times a day. (hard-pass on that one!) And the best part is, you can save so much money and time doing it this way. When we travel to Maui, we stop at Costco right after picking up our rental car. It is super close to the airport so even though we are a bit tired from the trip its totally worth the effort. We have booked through VRBO or AirBNB and have no complaints! (I find the reviews oh so helpful)And I don't know about you guys, but my kids will take any opportunity to get filthy lol. The washer and dryer was my sanity. And as much as I hate laundry at home, I really didn't mind throwing a load in every couple days. It meant we always had fresh bathing suits and made packing light super easy! 3. THE FLIGHT. From Edmonton to Kahalui it is 7 hours and 50 minutes. That is a very long time for a 2 year old and 4 year old. If you are travelling with young ones it can get a little rough at times (like anytime the seatbelt sign is on haha). I've found packing lots of non-sugary snacks (gotta keep that sugar0-high at bay) and filling up the Ipad with books, shows and games has been the easiest and lightest way to travel with this age. We usually let them pick a toy and a coloring book to bring as well. Our girls surprise us every time we fly with how capable they are. PS. Depriving them of any TV the week or two before means they will be glued to that sucker. P.P.S. Don't forget some fruit snacks for the descent. Helps their little ears pop! Oh and we have always flown WestJet and have found the staff is so good with kids! 4. GET FASTBREAK. Seriously, just do it. We have used Budget for our rental car every time. Fastbreak is FREE (you just have to sign-up ahead of time) and means you get to skip the long line-up! After a long flight, the last thing you want do is wait an hour with all your luggage in 27 degree heat to get your rental car. Been there, done that!
. My biggest suggestion for enjoying your family vacay is to not get too carried away with planning (or worse yet, expecting things to go as planned lol). Leave lots of room to just jump in the pool or chill by the beach. We usually book only one or two things and then play the rest of the trip by ear. That way if the girls fall asleep in the stroller on a morning walk, we can just grab a beer and sit by the beach, instead of worrying about the next thing on the schedule. Or if someone is feeling the jet lag we can take the day slow, think naps and hanging our poolside. For us this slow pace, is absolutely perfect. We also often rent paddle boards and bring snorkels so that we can head into the ocean whenever possible. So easy when it's only a short walk away.
6. BABY BEACH IN LAHAINA. There are an endless amount of stunning beaches to explore on Maui. And we often visit a few different ones. But with our brave little water babies, the baby beach in Lahaina is absolutely perfect!! We pack a cooler of food and stay the whole day!
Pros: NO waves, lots of shade, occasional glimpse of little fish in the crystal clear water, close to where we we were staying, tons of restaurants and shops in town
Cons: It can be hard to find if you've never been, can be hard to find parking, it's not perfectly cleaned up like the beaches outside the resorts.
SO there you have it! A few of the things that make our trip all the more enjoyable. Not that you can really have a bad time on Maui. But take this as a grain of salt. I am no expert; just a Mama hoping to save you from airplane meltdown =P
Warmly,KarmenP.S. If you would like hear more about some our favourite spots on Maui, let me know! I'd be happy to spotlight a some favs in detail.P.P.S. I am so stoked to shoot the above images for THE SKINNY again this year. The Skinny is a local YEG shop and they carry some fantastic childrens and women's wear! We basically wore them all on repeat for the whole trip!! (thanks to that washer and dryer haha)
The Purge! Capsule Wardrobe Update #2
Hey Guys, it's been a while since the last time I posted about my capsule wardrobe and actually quite a lot has happened!! Let me fill ya in.I purged my closet.... and it was AMAZING!! I am a person that easily feels overwhelmed by clutter, so having so much more space in my closet has been kind of fantastic. And, honestly, I had so many clothes in there that didn't even come close to fitting or were just so far from my style (like from high school, freaking high school you guys) that made it really hard to find the clothing that actually fit!The picture below shows my king size bed absolutely covered in clothes. Not pictured is a chair full of maternity clothes and my naked daughters trying everything on in the thrift pile 😂. Haha it was out of control! I spent an entire rainy afternoon sorting through this big pile of clothes and listening to Oldies (as one does). I was quickly reminded that as much as I hate clutter, I hate waste! And I really love re-porpusing old things. I toyed with a few ideas, but in the end I decided that there was just too much stuff for me to keep around the house. (And the last thing I need right now is another project lol.) So I sold a few things, and the rest I will be sending to my sisters and the thrift store. I also put away all my winter and hot summer clothes. This left me with just under 50 items including pants, shirts, tanks, sweaters and dresses. And so far it has been great! While I don't totally love a lot of these clothes, I have committed to sticking with them for the spring season so that I can make sure that this capsule wardrobe is really something I want to follow through on, and to sort of figure out what pieces I need to make this a fully functioning wardrobe that I adore.I have to admit, this process has already shown me that less can really, truly be more. And it has been surprisingly fun! I have actually cleaned out the girls and the entryway closets out as well! (up next linens!). Wowzer, look at me being all domestic!!! Hahaha, but I think what truly is the most surprising part of this exercise so far is that I have actually been wearing more variety! Who would have thought!
I have also been doing more research on responsibly made clothing and have come across some of the most wonderful small (and big) businesses in the process. I ended up ordering from a lovely woman in California, who hand makes the most wonderful linen dresses to order. She recently did a collaboration with a fantastic YYC educator and I just couldn't resist the sale! I actually had been eyeing her beautiful dresses before I even started my capsule wardrobe (WIN!). I also ordered a bathing suit from a rad company I have been following on Instagram for quite some time. Thankfully my patience paid off and I managed to get it on sale as well! (High-five!)
I just LOVE that I can totally get behind these brands and actually feel like I know the women running them. I have come across some other really promising shops but will wait to share them until I feel confident that they are awesome.So now it's your turn! What do you think of this whole capsule wardrobe thing? Do you know of any great responsible brands? Have you ever considered where your clothes come from before? Is there anything else you would like to know?Once again, thanks so much for listening to me ramble on about something completely unrelated to photography. Keep being awesome!!Warmly,Karmen