Red Deer Boy and Girls Club

#WCW Breanna Fitzpatrick + Lisa Nicholson

#WCW Breanna Fitzpatrick + Lisa Nicholson

It's #WCW!! And I'm very excited to introduce you two incredible Women of Excellence Award Nominees, Breanna Fitzpatrick and Lisa Nicholson!

And We're Back! | #WCW with Lane Tamalty, Anna Morgan-Wold, Jaycee Bourke

And We're Back!  | #WCW with Lane Tamalty, Anna Morgan-Wold, Jaycee Bourke

HELLO!! Oh my word it has been so long.  If you follow me on Instagram you probably have already heard that the hard-drive on my computer crashed while were gone to be BC, quite the welcome home gift, UGH.  That combined with a lot of my out-of-town family being home for my sisters wedding has meant an unintended break from blogging/social media and from #WomenCrushWednesday.  But I'm back baby (so lame lol). But seriously, so excited to have my computer running and to start sharing again!  So today I'm playing a little catch-up and sharing THREE awesome ladies!