Lynn Mulder

#WCW Breanna Fitzpatrick + Lisa Nicholson

#WCW Breanna Fitzpatrick + Lisa Nicholson

It's #WCW!! And I'm very excited to introduce you two incredible Women of Excellence Award Nominees, Breanna Fitzpatrick and Lisa Nicholson!

And We're Back! | #WCW with Lane Tamalty, Anna Morgan-Wold, Jaycee Bourke

And We're Back!  | #WCW with Lane Tamalty, Anna Morgan-Wold, Jaycee Bourke

HELLO!! Oh my word it has been so long.  If you follow me on Instagram you probably have already heard that the hard-drive on my computer crashed while were gone to be BC, quite the welcome home gift, UGH.  That combined with a lot of my out-of-town family being home for my sisters wedding has meant an unintended break from blogging/social media and from #WomenCrushWednesday.  But I'm back baby (so lame lol). But seriously, so excited to have my computer running and to start sharing again!  So today I'm playing a little catch-up and sharing THREE awesome ladies!

Lynne Mulder | Women of Excellence Awards

LYNNE MULDER! Born into a family who believes in hard work, education, compassion and community, Lynn's commitment and passion to ensure all the citizens of Red Deer are offered the best quality of life possible comes naturally.  With a Masters in Education, Lynne continues to support and volunteer with various organizations such as Vantage Community Services, United Way Of Central Alberta and the Canadian Mental Health Association.  She is a strong community supporter, animal lover and a generous soul.  Lynne displays compassion, kindness, determination and dedication to creating a vibrant Central Alberta.  A strong, determined leader from nurse to Vice president of Red Deer College to Red Deer City Councillor, Lynne continues to make a positive impact in our community, no matter what capacity!