Edmonton Fashion

Honest Review | Poppy Barley Eyelet Oxford a.k.a The Perfect Travel Shoe

Honest Review | Poppy Barley Eyelet Oxford a.k.a The Perfect Travel Shoe

The Poppy Barley Eyelet Oxfords!  The shoes that feel like slippers. No seriously they do.  I first tried these shoes on about a year ago and was immediately shocked by how comfortable they were;  Sadly, I wasn’t in need of them at the time so I left them on the shelf but you better believe that I did not stop thinking about them.

Poppy Barley Fall Launch

Poppy Barley Fall Launch

When Jane from Poppy Barley emailed me about attending their Fall Launch event, I thought for sure she had made a mistake.  I'm a full-time mom/photographer who lives in the middle of nowhere, I don't get invited to fashion launches!  Soooo naturally, I quickly wrote back so that she couldn't change her mind lol!…

Shadow Play | Style Session with Volerra, Finders Keephers Boutique and Boheme Goods

Shadow Play | Style Session with Volerra, Finders Keephers Boutique and Boheme Goods

Ain't nothing like photographing other creative souls. I could give you a thousand reason to book a soul session or brand session, but I'm just going to let the photos do the talking today. If you have any questions let me know!! 

In the Desert | Mojave Preserve California

Driving the through the desert is a magical experience (highly recommended), you come across sights that seem like they could only be from another planet.  Some you drive by with eyes widened, others require you to slam on the brakes and turn that car around.  This was one of those times.  A lone Foo Dog just off of Route66 in California.Model: Rebecca Hughes Poncho: sweetjolieboutique.com Jewelry: volerra.com  (PS.  Volerra is having a HUGE sale today!!)Travel Dates for the remainder of 2018 are listed HERE on my website.  I will be taking portrait and brand sessions at all locations, just shoot me an email or comment below if you have any questions!

Explore Edmonton

 I jussssst realized that I have never blogged my session with the lovely J.  She was writing a an article about hidden gems in Edmonton and I had SOO much fun wandering around some of her favorite neighbourhoods.  Edmonton has become such a special place to me.  It is where I went to school for photography, it's where Brad and I bought our first home, it where our oldest daughter was born!!  And even though we live outside of the city now, it will always feel like home.  I absolutely adore our frequent visits with it's places and wonderful people.If you are an Edmontonian or will be visiting this summer I highly recommend checking out Justine's blog posts about Highlands and Westmount.  Below I've linked up some of my favorite stops, come tag along with us!  


OK now let's hop and the car and head over to Highlands, shall we?


Pyne And Smith | Capsule Wardrobe Update #3


Hey Guys!  Its been a little while since I gave you an update! Honestly things haven't been super exciting, I have just been doing the best with what I have.  BUT I am working on my summer capsule wardrobe!  And I have been enjoying the two new purchases I told you about earlier!  One of which was this Pyne and Smith Clothiers Linen Dress.I was soooo excited to get this little number in the mail.  I immediately put it on, and then, had one of those moments of doubt.  You know the kind.  I wasn't sure if I could 'pull it off', if it was the most flattering dress for me.  Maybe it was just one of things I loved on other people?  So I let it hang in the closet for few days, but eventually decided that if I like the dress I should darn well wear it, and love doing so.Jump ahead to day of errands, peppered with compliments and I was completely sold! (I really try not to dress for anyone besides myself, but being on the receiving end of a compliment is always encouraging <3)    Needless to say, I have been wearing this incredibly comfortable dress on repeat ever since!   It is honestly so versatile (and the midi length is crazy practical when you are running after little ones). I've worn it on its own, with sweaters and belted so far.  (PS. the belted version kind of made me feel like Belle!! Honest to goodness the soundtrack played in my head allll day long lol)So I thought I'd share a few real life pictures that I snapped this afternoon while my kiddos splashed in the pool!  I am about 5'2" and am wearing an XS.  If you have any questions let me know!

Happy Weekend Pals,


Amor Jewellery | Edmonton Fashion Photographer

A while back I worked with the wonderful AMOR!  Amor makes gorgeous handcrafted jewellery and I was thrilled to work on this lifestyle/fashion shoot with them.  Here are some of the images. ENJOY!!Truly,Karmen Model: Chelsea MondouxJewellery: Amor // www.amorjewelry.comHair/Make-Up: Nicola Gavins // www.nicolagavins.paradepro.com  

© Karmen Meyer Photography 2013. All images are property of Karmen Meyer.

kmeyerphotography.com….. kmeyerphotography.com/blog…..desireboudoir.com