That Time I met Gwyneth Paltrow’s Wedding Photographer/4 Life Changing Lessons I Learned at Photo Native
“Is anyone sitting there?!” I said while balancing a plate of food and glass of wine.
He said “No, it’s all yours.”
And I cheered a silent ‘hoooray!’ because I was starving, and the wine was free. So far my day of solo travel had only occasionally been haunted by that painful kind of awkward. You know, the kind that almost always comes along with navigating new environments and experiences. And, dang, dare I say this was shaping up to be a good night.
I honestly can’t remember how the next bit went. But I quite quickly came to the realization that I had parked my clueless little self right beside the star of the show….
“Is anyone sitting there?!” I said while balancing a plate of food and glass of wine.
He said “No, it’s all yours.”
And I cheered a silent ‘hoooray!’ because I was starving, and the wine was free. So far my day of solo travel had only occasionally been haunted by that painful kind of awkward. You know, the kind that almost always comes along with navigating new environments and experiences. And, dang, dare I say this was shaping up to be a good night.
I honestly can’t remember how the next bit went. But I quite quickly came to the realization that I had parked my clueless little self right beside the star of the show, John Dolan. I had mini-internal battle that went something like, ‘ding, ding, ding! Girl you picked the right chair!’ and ‘Dang, I really wish I had researched the speakers better. I’m gonna seem really ignorant when John realizes I don’t actually know anything about him or any of the other big names here’, and ‘Shit, I hope he doesn’t think I am a total weirdo for just making myself at home beside the keynote speaker.’ Cue internal panic, but like play it cool on the outside….
Fortunately for me, John Dolan seems to be somewhat of an expert when it comes to making people feel welcome. And, just like that, before the conference had even started I had learned LESSON #1: DON’T JUDGE. BE KIND. STAY OPEN. I spent the next several hours completely engrossed in a conversation with the man who had recently photographed Gwyneth Paltrow’s wedding and had spent the past 30 (THIRTY!) years working with most incredible people, brands and editorials. I experienced A-ha moments, soaked up much wisdom and watched as John effortlessly made everyone feel valued. By the end of the night, that little couch was filled and many others had pulled up chairs to hang out and chat. As the conference unfolded over the next few days I came to realize that literally all those people I sat around talking shop with were also instructors..….. So just call me a keener I guess LOL.
But this leads us perfectly to LESSON #2: THE POWER OF REAL LIFE CONNECTION. Don’t get me wrong, I love connecting online as much as the next person. I am a part of facebook groups that are genuinely empowering. And I have made the most wonderful friends through instagram. BUT, nothing, NOTHING, beats true conversation and connection. Some of my favourite moments from the conference did not happen in the classroom. But on the airplane, over coffee and during all those awkward in-between moments where it’s so easy to just stick a phone in front of our faces. Listen, friend. PUT THE PHONE DOWN. Smile at a stranger. Invite someone sitting alone to your table. There is so much to gain and much to lose when we choose to disconnect instead of engage with the people around us. This is something I am 100% going to be incorporating into my business this year. This includes getting my introvert butt out the door and (gulp) taking and making phone calls and maybe even hosting some shoots and events?! Who the heck knows! I just wanna see your beautiful faces IRL, ASAP!
And LESSON #3: THE ABSOLUTE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING INTUITIVE SYSTEMS IN PLACE. I get it, this isn’t my favourite part of the job either. But do you know what reoccurring pattern appeared with all my fav, successful photographers? Diligent, intuitive systems to ensure a stellar client experience. This is something I have worked on within my own portrait biz for a while now, but I have come home with SO MANY IDEAS on how to make it even better for my clients. And hopefully easier on me too! If you haven’t started creating workflows and automation sequences. Please, do yourself a favour and look into it! I use 17Hats, but there are lot’s of other options out there! (If you want to give 17Hats a try, you can use THIS LINK for 10% off!)
And lastly, LESSON #4: IT IS TIME TO START DOING. At the risk of sounding like a humble-brag, a common theme for me during the duration of Photo Native was deep validation. Validation that I am extremely capable, that I am on the right track and that each phase of life and business has equipped me with a unique set of skills. It is time to stop the second-guessing, to be brave and start putting into action what I already know. Fun fact: I am not the only person who struggles with these type of mindset barriers. And I don’t know who needs to hear this right now but see you, I really do feel you. I know how easy it is to dis-credit yourself. I know that stepping into your own potential is scary and uncomfortable. But I’m telling you, it is time to show up! Just show-up. Let’s do this together? Seriously!
Dang, there is so much more goodness that happened at Photo Native, I haven’t even told you about Yan Palmer, Caroline Tran or the dance party yet! And boy do I have some photos to share. But for now I’m just going to leave you with some iPhone shots and a virtual hug. Thanks for hanging out, I truly hope you learned something awesome and that you put it into action instead of just adding it to list of many things you already know. If you wanna chat more DM me on Insta, @karmenmeyerphotography or shoot me an Email, I genuinely adore connecting with you!
P.S. Just a friendly reminder to myself (and you, if you need it) during a season of intense inspiration. You can do all this at your own pace. You can still live a life of slow intention and connection while passionately pursuing your dream job. Let’s call it the slow burn.
The Maui Collection // The Story Behind the Photos
On Maui, inspiration is EVERYWHERE!! Even though I am technically on vacation, I can barely put my camera down! This place with its beautiful blue waters and lush green jungles just speaks to my soul! Come take a wee look behind the scenes of the latest collection of prints and home decor to hit the Art Shop!
Every Body Is Beautiful for DOTE Magazine
It’s been a process, and I’d be lying if I said that I figured everything out. The whole journey has left a lasting impression on me and it is the reason why I photograph women in a way that claims back our womanliness and celebrates the female body for all of its strength and loveliness. This shoot is a culmination of these things as well as so much more. Each woman pictured has been on her own unique journey, and I couldn’t be happier that we all ended up spending a chilly evening standing together in Mill Creek…
It all started at the beach. Young, modest and insecure; I found myself wading in the water wearing a one-piece Speedo covered with a t-shirt and board shorts. I’m not sure why I felt my thighs were embarrassing or that my body was something to be covered and unseen, I just know that by being covered up I was hiding. I was afraid.
It was at the beach that I saw mothers, women confidently in bikinis. I watched them in awe, and disbelief. How did they not feel concerned with all the people around them seeing their imperfect bodies? How did they get the confidence to so nonchalantly show themselves to the world?
Years have passed and I am now a mother myself. I think back to these moments I had when I was young, so insecure, yet, so amazed by the confidence these women exuded. Their freedom and confidence gave me permission to be OK with myself. I could dress like myself. I could be myself. I could breathe.
It’s been a process, and I’d be lying if I said that I figured everything out. The whole journey has left a lasting impression on me and it is the reason why I photograph women in a way that claims back our womanliness and celebrates the female body for all of its strength and loveliness. This shoot is a culmination of these things as well as so much more. Each woman pictured has been on her own unique journey, and I couldn’t be happier that we all ended up spending a chilly evening standing together in Mill Creek, Edmonton.
My hope is that others will see these incredible, strong, smart, beautiful women as a source of encouragement and strength. That perhaps for a few, it might just be the first step on a road to self-discovery and self-love. Let’s look out for each other, friends. Let’s take every possible opportunity to build each other up. You don’t know when a young girl, covered up in a speedo, will be watching.
Publication: DOTE Magazine
Models: Marielle Elizabeth, Hannah Hamilton, Osase, Kendra Allen, Sharon Litchfield, Justine Ma, Anna Stein
Floral Crowns: Lacombe Florists
Hair: Jill Keech
Make-Up: Shake-up That Make-up Tiiu Antrea
Clothing: Red Ribbon
The Taylor Family takes on Westerner Days | Red Deer Family Photographer
Ever since having a family of my own, photographing parents and their beloved little ones has taken on a whole new meaning. I love tagging along on little outings or just spending some time documenting everyday life. This session was a first though! Thanks so much for having me join you at the Westerner Days Fair Taylor fam, I am so totally in love your photos! I hope that you are as enchanted as I am!Would you ever get your family photos taken at the fair? If not, where would be your dream location?!
May your portraits age like a fine wine!
The truth is I don't want your portraits be that cheap pair of flip-flops that broke after one summer of use and then were carelessly tossed into the garbage. I want your portraits to be that favourite pair of leather boots. You know the ones! The ones that just make you feel so darn gooooooood everytime you put them on! I want them to hang proudly on your walls or rest lovingly on your coffee table. I want your portraits to make you smile every time you walk by that gallery wall or flip through the pages of your album. I am wildly aware that this will not work for everyone's taste and/or budget and that's ok, because these days there are an incredible amount of photography options to choose from. But for YOU, you know who you are..... you think less just might actually be more, you would rather have 10 stunning prints for your wall than 100s of files lost on a hard-drive. For you, I want to create something one-of-a-kind, something long-lasting. Seriously though, is it egotistical of me to want the photos I take to be the ones handed down to your great-grandchildren? I imagine that they will lovingly look through them, perhaps they will need to smooth out a crease from it being accidentally folded into the gutter of a book, or maybe the ink will be slightly faded from sitting on that sunny livingroom shelf, and they will wonder to themselves about what life was like all the way back in 2018 with all it's strange, beautiful moments and trends.
In the Desert | Mojave Preserve California
Driving the through the desert is a magical experience (highly recommended), you come across sights that seem like they could only be from another planet. Some you drive by with eyes widened, others require you to slam on the brakes and turn that car around. This was one of those times. A lone Foo Dog just off of Route66 in California.Model: Rebecca Hughes Poncho: Jewelry: (PS. Volerra is having a HUGE sale today!!)Travel Dates for the remainder of 2018 are listed HERE on my website. I will be taking portrait and brand sessions at all locations, just shoot me an email or comment below if you have any questions!
What did I do before photography? | Embarrassing Photos Included
I recently had someone ask me, "What did you do before this."For a second I was confused, but soon after realized what she meant; what was I doing before I became a mom and started taking photos. My reply, "Nothing. This is what I went to school for!"She had no idea, and I suspect a lot of you didn't either. You guys, the becoming a professional photographer part of my life was so long ago, in fact it's been 9 years since I got that business licence. Sometimes I forget just how much that stage in my life shaped both me and my business. So what do you say, shall we do a little reminiscing today?
It all started in 9th grade when I signed up to go to Mexico with our church. Before this trip, I had been to the Calgary Zoo haha. So ya, let's call it the beginning of Karmen's love affair with travel.