What's To Come {AFRICA} | Edmonton & International Photographer
I am working on a bunch of blog posts from my trip to Africa!! The first one should be up tomorrow, but in the meantime you should check out this fantastic video from the super talented, all-round rad guy and 1/3 of our little media team, Ryan Geleynse. It is so beautiful and brings back so many amazing memories.Consider it a preview of everything that I am going to tell you about over the next couple weeks!! Let me know what you think, and feel free to ask questions... I promise to answer anything you want to know about the trip. ENJOY!!Truly,KarmenCheck out Ryan's other videos too. Although, I assure you that this will not be the last time you see one of them on my blog!
Amathuba Housing Project {AFRICA} | Edmonton & International Photographers
A little refresher; we are visiting a housing project called Amathuba in Embo, South Africa.We have the fantastic Robert Zuma as our generous tour guide. Since Suzi, the founder of this housing project, passed, Robert has taken on most of the leadership. Although he has no 'actual' education, Robert is driven and knows how to work with his hands.He teaches others in the community to work with wood, metal and whatever materials are available. He works hard to find funding so that they can continue working on the communities homes, schools and buildings. He wants homes that are strong and reliable, so that his friends and family can be more healthy, both physically and mentally. He wishes that they will be able to go to work and not worry about coming home to find that the rainfall has seeped through the roof and walls to drench their beds and spoil their food.He really is a remarkable and passionate man. We are so thankful that he took the time to show us around.
So... continuing from where we left Lillian. Robert took us to meet some more remarkable people and families.
We had to climb down a very steep hill, NOT a good day to wear flip-flops and carry a camera! But, by some sort of miracle both my camera and I made it to the next 'level' of homes.O and I made a new friend! She never did tell me her name, in fact I am not sure if she new much English at all, but we got along just fine.
The views were stunning. You look one way to see rolling hills and large rural homes, then turn to see a hillside covered in homes made out of random available materials, their roofs held on by stones and tires. Unfortunately, wealthy communities side by side with large slums is a common sight in South Africa.
We met several other families. One, most memorably, welcomed us into their home with a song and dance. There was so much joy and positivity, some times it was hard remember that they were the very same people living in these unfortunate conditions.
Sadly, after just a few more introductions and stories and it was time for goodbye.
© Karmen Meyer Photography 2011. All images are property of Karmen Meyer.
kmeyerphotography.com….. kmeyerphotography.com/blog….. Twitter.com/KarmenMeyer
CRWRC ‘We Have Faith Caravan’ | Karmen Goes to AFRICA
Hello Everyone. For those of you who do not know me, I am Karmen Meyer. I am a photographer, a traveler, a wife, a daughter, a big sister and a Christian. I love adventure, laughing and the kindness of others. It is all these things that have brought me to where I am today. And, why I have been presented with such a fantastic opportunity, the opportunity to use my passions to help bring attention to a people and a planet that is truly suffering. A little more information on this:-“Over 13 million people are affected by the crisis in the Horn of Africa. That’s six times more than those affected by the Indonesian tsunami in 2004 and four times more than those affected by the Haiti earthquake. Despite this need, attention to this most recent humanitarian crisis has been woefully inadequate.” (CRWRC website, http://hornofafrica.ngoaidmap.org/p/highlights)-“Climate change has been described as one of the biggest threats to development and livelihoods in our time. Consensus has been built among climate scientists … that the current climate crises have been caused by human action, and that urgent action is required to save the planet. The impacts of climate change in Kenya and Africa cannot be underestimated, with the recent cases of devastating droughts and floods in many parts of Africa, as well as increased intensity of tropical diseases like Malaria.” (NewsFromAfrica.org)-The 17th Conference of the Parties (COP 17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) will take place in December in Durban, South Africa.It is against this gloomy backdrop that African youth organizations join with faith communities, faith leaders and networks from all over the world to form the We Have Faith Caravan. “There hasn’t been a similar climate caravan before. It will be challenging, tiring, time-consuming, even strenuous but most significantly, it will be enlightening, impactful and world changing; and just maybe it’s the difference we’ve all been wanting to make...” (newsfromafrica.org) I cannot begin to describe how honored I am to be a part of something so important. To use the gifts God has given me to help His people, His Creation. It is more then I could have ever asked for.Joining me on this amazing mission is Ruth Terry (a journalist) and Ryan Geleynse (a videographer). Together we will represent the CRWRC. We will document the dancing, theatre and music used to teach, to encourage and to remind the world not to let these communities perish. We will document the African Youth meeting with leaders, as well as, signing and collecting petitions to be presented at the COP17. We will introduce you to the participants, tell their stories and share what their goals are for their countries. We will do all this in hopes that you might see it and be called to action.In order to do this we will need your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. If you feel called you can donate by sending a cheque made out to the CRWRC (with my name in the memo) to:Iona Stewart-BuismanGlobal Volunteer & MPP Program Coordinator, CRWRC3475 Mainway PO Box 5070 Stn LCD 1Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8Or donate online at http://www.crwrc.org/pages/crwrc_donate.cfm. Where it asks you to choose a Designee you will need to check the box ‘I would like to make a gift to a person not listed’, then type in my name, the amount you would like to donate, as well as, your information so that they can send you a receipt.Or cash can be donated directly to me. It will be used for the purchasing of visas, extra travel costs and incidentals; any money not used will be put back to the CRWRC.Thank-you and God Bless,Karmen Meyerkarmen@kmeyerphotography.comkmeyerphotography.com780.660.0807 P.S. Here is a downloadable version of this letter --> wehavefaithcaravan. If you could all share this post or e-mail this letter to just one person it would help immensely! THANKS!