Happy Valentines Day, Our Story | Edmonton & International Photographer
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! I hope that whether you are single or attached you take time today to appreciate all the loved ones in your life =) I know I am so thankful and feel so blessed everyday to have an amazing husband, and of course a fantastic dog Penny! I am admittedly not the most romantic person in the world but what the heck, it's supposed to be the most romantic day of the year or something so I will share with you a bit of our story in photos.Brad and I met in grade 10 and have been dating since grade 11, haha yup, we are high school sweethearts. Unfortunately, we don't have many photos from this time. We were just to plain busy having fun and hanging out with friends to get any. But I managed to scavenge some from just after grad off of facebook, and one of these days I will track down some grad photos from my mom. O man we look so goofy!Here is some more photos from right after grade 12 (I think). My mama took some for us one afternoon, and I am super glad that she did!
Okay, not gonna lie, I think this is totally cool! We went on a high school Europe trip together!! Unforgettable =)
On October 4th, 2008 Brad gave me a huge surprise for our 4 year anniversary. Packed and ready for nice weekend in the mountains, I soon found myself on an airplane on my way to Victoria! It was such a fantastic weekend of exploring the city by foot and by rented motorcycles. How we even got two bikes is beyond me, Brad doesn't even have a bike license!! But, we convinced them it is cool in Alberta and they let us take them. Which is lucky since after a long, cold, windy and rainy trip to 'Point no Point' Brad proposed to a freezing cold me. It was freaking awesome! I mean rain, motorcycles and the ocean, even I will admit that is pretty romantic ;)
Told you it was wet!
Wiffin Spit Park at Point No Point where Brad proposed, so pretty!
Engaged Us!!
Some engagement photos taken by awesome friend and amazing photog Crux!
We finally got hitched on August 21st, 2009. The day was perfect. I always wished I could get married on a beach or in some European country but it was absolutely amazing to be surrounded by our amazing friends and family. Photos again by Crux!
We had a fantastic time in San Fran on our honeymoon =) I am constantly planning our next trip together, can't wait!
Our first year of marriage was absolutely amazing and included the purchase of our first house! And the initiation of what feels like never ending renovations! We love it, it feels like home.
Which brings us to some of the more recent photographs from this Christmas and my Birthday!!
For the entire time I have known Brad there has never been a dull moment. Life has been good to use and we have been grateful. Together we have been for almost 7 years and married almost 2. And what amazing years they have been, I cannot imagine it any other way. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed a little piece of our story =) Have a great rest of your V-Day Evening!! We send you lot's of love and good wishes!Truly,Karmen